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Development Project Design & Services L.L.C-FZ

ADB Loan LOAN-2761 BAN: PEDP-III: National Student Assessment (NSA) 2006 of Grades 3 & 5 Students in Primary Education


Directorate of Primary Education (DPE)

November, 2006 - April, 2007

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Description of Project:  The Directorate of Primary Education has been implementing the Second Primary Education Development Program since end of fiscal year 2004-2005 funded by GOB and 11 Development Partners (co-financer: ADB, IDA, EU, DFID, NORAD, SIDA, Netherlands; parallel funding: UNICEF, Aus-AID, JICA). In PEDP-II, there is a scope to carry out National Assessment in 2006 and 2008. A sample of pupils in Classes III and V is being conducted in 2006 to establish the baseline of student achievement in the primary education sector. National Assessment will provide critical evidence of the efficacy of PEDP-II interventions to improve quality primary education and student learning outcome in cognitive and other skills.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:

The major objective of the national assessment was to measure the competency lased learning outcome of the pupils of Classes III and V. The national Assessment findings fed into planning and management of the primary education sub-sector, especially curriculum and instructional materials, including textbook development and teacher education. The application of National Assessment results in teacher education improved academic supervision and classroom teaching/learning. The findings of the assessment contributed to formulate reforms in primary education and to improve the internal efficiency of the system.