Description of Project:
The main goal of the program is to reduce poverty through universal primary education and the contribute to sustainable socioeconomic development and equity in Bangladesh society as envisaged in Millennium Development Goal. One of the main components of PEDP-II is Quality improvement through infrastructure development. This component includes various components (total 1498 schools, 30 PTIs, 31 District Education Offices, 181 Upazila Resource Centers, 185 Upazila Education offices in Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet Divisions) of civil works and supply of furniture. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) on behalf of the DPE has been implementing this component with a country wide approach.
The Planning & Development Director of the DPE is taking assistance from the Consultant for monitoring and supervising the civil works. The LGED started the work in June 2004. The monitoring and supervising for the Consultant cover the following work contracted to the LGED for extension and renovation of schools with new class rooms, attached toilets with teacher’s rooms, and sinking of 8000′ arsenic free additional tube-wells.
Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:
Assisted the DPE in monitoring and supervising the design and civil work contracted from DPE to the Local Government and Engineering Department (LGED) under PEDP-II. DPDS provided services to assist DPE in smooth implementation of the Project, undertaken monitoring and supervision and ensuring quality control of construction works as well as supply of furniture. DPDS also assisted in preparing change in structural design and estimates according to site conditions when necessary. The main tasks were site and survey analysis, inventory of facilities, monitoring and supervision of construction work and supplied furniture with physical and financial progress and quality control and report writing.