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Development Project Design & Services L.L.C-FZ

Consultancy Services for Selection No. 1244727 / Third Party Monitoring Agent under Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP).WB Contract No. 7185161


The World Bank

October, 2017- April, 2019

The World Bank

The World Bank


Description of Project: The project development objective is to “Restore affected houses with multi-hazard resistant core housing units in targeted areas and to enhance the government’s ability to improve long-term disaster resilience.” The key indicators for tracking progress towards the PDO are: (i) Households with resilient core housing reconstructed under the project; (ii) Citizens made aware of earthquake resilient reconstruction; (iii) Government officials trained on Disaster Risk Management.
The World Bank is supporting the Nepal Reconstruction Authority (NRA) with the Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP). The project provides financial and technical assistance to GoN for rural housing reconstruction. The Bank’s financial assistance is limited to three districts, namely: “Dolakha”, “Dhading” and “Nuwakot” under EHRP whereas USAID under its Baliyo Ghar project is providing technical assistance and training. Sindhupalchowk and Gorakha districts are being supported by JICA. The Bank extends its support to the authority in close coordination with other donors, is manifested in multiple arrangements, such as coordination for training, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and formats.
The Project has four components: (1) The Housing Reconstruction Component; (2) The Disaster Risk Management Systems Component; (3) The Project Implementation Support Component; and (4) The Contingency Emergency Response Component.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:
The overall function of the selected TPMA is to develop and agree with the task team and EHRP management on the Third Party Monitoring mechanisms including the tools, methodology, etc. to be used. DPDS provide critical data from the field as input to supplement World Bank’s implementation support and NRA, MOUD and own monitoring system, make recommendation to NRA and WB on improvement or modifications to inspection guidelines and seismic resistant standards due to geographic, logistic or other challenges context also determine categorization of local bodies and wards as low, medium, high and extremely high risk as per EHRP criteria. To develop monitoring tools and methodology with the guidance of WB task team and will cover all indicators of EHRP result framework; Deploy a data management information system, among others, having all necessary project information with universal access by the World Bank and others relevant stockholders; Use mobile data with MIS/GIS for day to day monitoring with pictures. To carry out field level monitoring to technically review the government’s inspection scheme on sample basis, provide technical advice to inspection teams and facilitates in building capacity of the concern government agencies in third party monitoring; Tracking indicators in the EHRP results framework during project implementation; Categorize local bodies and wards on the basis of risks: i Hazard Risks; and ii Compliance risks, and identify deviations by beneficiaries in terms of minor and major deviations and suggest remedial measures as well suitable to the area;
Actively coordinate with government engineers, develop visit plans in coordination with the district and local body’s level engineers; Reporting i.e: Inception Report; Site Inspection Report; Bi-weekly Briefings; Daily updates; Monthly Reports; Quarterly Reports; Data Management System; Completion Report, etc.